From the 1st July 2024, alarm weapons are classified in category C12, declarable, and require the following documents :
- Identification
- Proof of residence IN FRANCE less than 3 months old
- Medical Certificate : placed in a sealed envelope, less than 1 month old, confirming the declarant's physical and psychical health is not incompatible with a category C weapon possession - You have to upload it on your SIA account
- or hunting permit, with annual validation
- or shooting licence of the season
- You must also create your SIA account :
You can send us the documents by email( or regular mail (VAD System - BP43 - 62101 Calais cedex)
<p>From the 1st July 2024, alarm weapons are classified in category C12, declarable, and require the following documents :</p>\n
<p>- Identification</p>\n
<p>- Proof of residence IN FRANCE<span> </span>less than 3 months old </p>\n
<p>- Medical Certificate<span> </span>: placed in a sealed envelope, less than 1 month old, confirming the declarant's physical and psychical health is not incompatible with a category C weapon possession -<span> You have to upload it on your SIA account <br /></span></p>\n ◀<p>- Medical Certificate<span> </span>: placed in a sealed envelope, less than 1 month old, confirming the declarant's physical and psychical health is not inco ▶
<p>- or hunting permit, with annual validation</p>\n
<p>- or shooting licence of the season </p>\n
<p>- You must also create your SIA account <span>:<span> </span></span><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"></a></p>\n ◀<p>- You must also create your SIA account <span>:<span> </span></span><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopen ▶
<p>You can send us the documents by email(<a href=""></a>) or regular mail (VAD System - BP43 - 62101 Calais cedex)<br /><br /></p>\n ◀<p>You can send us the documents by email(<a href=""></a>) or regular mail (VAD System - BP43 - 62101 ▶
<p style="text-align:center;"><strong>CAN'T BE SOLD OUT OF FRANCE</strong></p>