Rope cocking device for crossbows
  • Rope cocking device for crossbows
  • Rope cocking device for crossbows
  • Rope cocking device for crossbows

Rope cocking device for crossbows

Reference : A382

Rope cocking device
Simplifies the cocking of your crossbow by decreasing the cocking tension by half
Fits with lost crossbows (except pistol stocks)
Roller hooks can be easily put on the rope
Rope handles allow a firm hold


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To cock your corssbow, spread the 2 roller hooks, one to each side of the rope.
Loop the center of the rope securely in the groove of the stock  below the scope mount for Barnett crossbows, OR at the back of the stock if the crossbow dosen't have a groove.
Place your foot in the stirrup, grabbing the rope handles and firmly pull upward until the string is in the trigger mechanism (you must hear a "click" and the safety engages).
Your cossbow is now coked, and the rope cocking aid can be removed

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