Tear gun

Easier to handle than a conventional tear gas canister, the pistol version takes the form of a firearm. It is used for personal defense at home and is loaded with gas or gel cartridges. The tear gas gun is used outdoors and can be used to deal with several individuals. Gel cartridges are best used indoors and to confront an assailant. When the gel is projected, it is fixed on the assailant without spreading in the room. The incapacitating agents in the gas and gel consist of natural pepper or Orthochlorobenzalmalononitrile, a very powerful chemical substance. They cause burning sensations, eye closure and paralysis for several minutes.

Tear guns are available over the counter for people over 18 years of age. Please note that if you are using it outdoors, you must have a legitimate reason! Note that the pepper spray is also effective against dangerous animals.

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What are the benefits of a tear-gas pistol? 

A non-lethal defensive weapon, the tear-gas gun is designed to ensure safety while minimizing the risk of serious injury. 

Non-Lethal: Unlike firearms, the tear-gas gun is not designed to inflict lethal injury, making it ideal for those seeking a less aggressive method of defense.

Aerosol power: Tear guns use a powerful spray that can disorientate and temporarily blind an assailant, allowing the victim to escape or call for help.

Effective range: With an effective range of up to several meters, the user can maintain a safe distance while neutralizing a threat.

Ease of use: These pistols are often designed to be simple to use, with intuitive activation mechanisms that can be quickly deployed in stressful situations.

Transportability: Their compact size makes them easy to carry and conceal, making them a practical option for everyday personal defense.

Deterrent: The appearance of a pistol, even a non-lethal one, can act as a deterrent to potential attackers.

PIEXON JPX, the leading brand in tear-guns

PIEXON is the leading Swiss brand of defensive weapons.

The company specializes in the design of tear-gas defense sprays, with two flagship models: the Guardian Angel and the JPX. 

The company has revolutionized the concept of defensive sprays by developing a gas-operated defensive pistol that works thanks to a pyrotechnic effect. 

The Piexon tear-gas gun is more powerful and safer than a simple aerosol can.

Piexon offers a brand new generation of its famous Guardian Angel. 

Guardian Angel 3: the benchmark in self-defense. Ultra-reliable, small, flat and lightweight, it's easy to hold and discreet to conceal. 

An ideal tear-gun for safety in the face of aggression of any kind, even animal aggression.

Piexon JPX 6 Jet Protector tear-gun

An effective defensive weapon for protection against aggression outdoors or at home, in the workplace, workshop or shop, PIEXON JPX6 neutralizes attackers up to 7 meters away.

The laser version offers extra precision and a highly effective deterrent.

Tear gun: Typology 

Tear guns come in several different types, each with its own characteristics and propulsion modes.

CS (Orthochlorobenzalmalononitrile) gas tear guns:

CS gas is one of the most common agents used in tear guns.

It causes intense irritation of the eyes, skin and respiratory tract, resulting in temporary incapacitation.

These guns are often used by law enforcement agencies, as well as for personal defense.

OC (Oleoresin Capsicum) Gas Tear Guns:

OC, more commonly known as cayenne pepper, is another common agent.

It causes an extreme burning sensation on the affected areas, particularly the eyes, resulting in temporary eyelid closure and disorientation.

OC gas guns are particularly effective against people under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

CN (Chloroacetophenone) gas tear guns:

Less common than CS or OC, CN is also a powerful irritant.

It has similar effects to CS, but is generally considered less effective.

Combination Gas Tear Guns:

Some models combine different agents, such as CS and OC, to increase effectiveness.

Propulsion mechanisms:

Tear guns use various propulsion mechanisms, such as compressed gas cartridges (like CO2) to expel the spray from a distance. Some models may use a mechanical or pyrotechnic mechanism to disperse the agent.

Self-defence spray or tear-gun?

A tear-gun is more precise than a tear-gas canister. Here's why: 

Aiming mechanism: Tear guns are often equipped with an aiming system, such as sites or lasers, which enable the user to specifically target an assailant. This precision is crucial in situations where avoiding hitting innocent people is important.

Dispersion Control: The tear gun projects a concentrated stream or spray towards a specific target. This contrasts with tear gas canisters, which disperse the irritant over a wider area, potentially affecting non-targeted people.

Distance and range: Tear guns can be effective at longer distances than tear gas canisters. This extended range enables the user to maintain a safe distance while precisely targeting the aggressor.

Minimized risk of return: with a tear-gas canister, there is a risk that the user will also be affected, particularly in confined or windy spaces. By concentrating the spray, the tear-gun minimizes this risk.

Targeted application: In complex situations where innocent people are nearby, or in direct confrontation with an assailant, the ability to target specifically with a gun is a significant advantage.

The tear-gun offers greater precision and superior control over the impact zone, making it more suitable for situations where the identification and targeted neutralization of a specific threat is required.